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Library Rules & Regulations




  • All Bona fide students of the Shepherdville College

  • Shepherdville College administrator, faculty and staff

  • Alumni with valid alumni ID

  • Visitors with referral letter and research fee.




  1. All library users should sign the entry register of the library, before entering.

  2. General reference books such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases, yearbooks including Filipiniana, Bikoliana, journals and theses shall be for library/room use only. General reference books may be issued for classroom use upon the request of a faculty member, but these shall be returned within the day.

  3. Number of allowable Book Loans

    • Circulation Books:​

      • Students: 3 books per week subject to renewal;​

      • Faculty/Employee: 3 books per week subject to renewal

    • Reserve Books: â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹

      • Students/Faculty/Employees: 1 book to be returned the following day. Renewals shall be allowed on condition that:​

        • No one else among the library  users needs or wants to borrow the same material/s;​

        • The material/s is/are not overdue.

  4. No book may be loaned out for home use, a week before the scheduled major examinations.

  5. The borrowed book should be returned on or before due date. If not,  overdue charge of P10.00 per day will be collected.

  6. Overdue notices are issued as a courtesy to all library users, and not receiving an overdue notice does not exempt a borrower from applicable fines and fees.

  7.  Students with overdue books may not checked out additional materials unless the overdue book is returned.

  8. A borrower shall be responsible for any library materials borrowed. Loss or damage of the same must be immediately reported to the librarian. A lost book shall be replaced by the same or a later edition of the same book and the corresponding fine must be paid.

  9. Silence should be maintained in the library. Use of cellphones, unnecessary or idle discussion, and eating are prohibited.

  10.  Students should demonstrate courtesy to other users and to the library staff.

  11. Valuable items should not be left unattended in the library. The library is not responsible for their loss or damage.

  12. Eating, loitering, and littering inside the library are strictly prohibited.

  13. Misbehavior, stealing, defacing, mutilating or willfully destroying or damaging any library materials or property will be held responsible for necessary replacement/repair and subject to disciplinary action.


Referral Letter


             Request for referral letter 

              A referral letter for students and faculty members planning to use the library resources of other institutions maybe requested at the Office of the Library Director, SC Library 3rd Floor Administration Building and can be claimed after three (3) days from date of request free of charge.


Library Clearance


  • Library clearance will be signed/issued after all library obligations are settled e.g. overdue fines, unreturned materials, payment or replacement of lost materials 


Visiting Users


  • As a general rule, all Library materials are for room-use only.

  • Users from other schools/institutions must present a referral letter from their Head Librarian.

  • Current company/institutions ID must be presented.

  • Maximum of four (4) hours of research per day.

  • Only four (4) researchers per school/company are allowed per day.

  • An access fee of PhP50.00 per person per visit is charged. Payments are made to the Cashier’s Office.

  • Visiting users may avail of the library facilities and services for four (4) hours per visit (Monday to Friday)

  • No visiting user shall be accommodated during major examinations and semestral/summer break.

  • Visiting users are advised to follow the University dress code.

  • The Librarians reserve the right to cancel requests when deemed necessary.

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